You can check the product delivery status and specify the date and time from the inquiry service of each delivery company.
To confirm, please use the delivery slip number listed in the "Shipping Completion Email" sent after the product has been shipped, and check from the website below.
Yamato Transport luggage inquiry service
Sagawa Express luggage inquiry service
International mail baggage inquiry service
If you would like to receive the item as soon as possible, please place your order without specifying a date and time.
About separate orders
Items ordered separately will be shipped separately.
Regarding long-term absence/rejection of receipt
If delivery is not made due to long-term absence or refusal to receive the item, and the delivery company's storage period has passed, your order will be cancelled.
However, we cannot accept cancellations after the order has been confirmed for pre-order products.
In case delivery is not possible due to unknown address
If you forgot to change your registered address due to moving or entered your address incorrectly, your address is unknown and we are unable to deliver.
It is possible to forward the package to the correct address, but depending on the delivery company's regulations, you will be required to pay additional shipping charges.
*List price shipping fee from the delivery address listed on the invoice to delivery after the change. Because it is a "cash on delivery" basis, payment is made by the customer receiving the package.
Change delivery address after order confirmation
We cannot accept changes to the delivery address when payment methods other than cash on delivery are used.
Please contact us if you would like to change the shipping address with cash on delivery.
*We may not be able to accept changes if the order is in the process of being shipped.
Please note that if you use a payment method other than cash on delivery, we cannot change the delivery address.
*Changes cannot be made after the order is confirmed.
Please contact us if you wish to cancel your order.
About separate orders
Items ordered separately will be shipped separately.
Change delivery address after order confirmation
We cannot accept changes to the delivery address when payment methods other than cash on delivery are used.
Please contact us if you would like to change the shipping address with cash on delivery.
*We may not be able to accept changes if the order is in the process of being shipped.
Please note that if you use a payment method other than cash on delivery, we cannot change the delivery address.
*Changes cannot be made after the order is confirmed.
Please contact us if you wish to cancel your order.